Case Results

City v. T.S.

February 2012

Seattle DUI defense attorneys, such as Nate Webb often find themselves in trial and in this particular case the jury returned verdict of Not Guilty for client charged with Failure to Obey a police officer after Seattle Criminal Lawyer, Nate Webb, represented him. Client was alleged to have run through a police roadblock, sped off at 60 mph in a 35 mph zone at 4:45 a.m. Client was also charged with DUI refusal and the jury was deadlocked 5-1 in favor of acquittal after 4 hours of deliberation.  City v. T.S.

Court: Kirkland Municipal Court

Nathan Webb

Nathan "Nate" Webb has been repeatedly recognized by Washington Law and Politics Magazine as a Super Lawyer Rising Star, named one of Seattle's Top Attorneys by Seattle Met Magazine and is rated Superb (perfect 10 out of 10) by

Best Seattle DUI Lawyers

Seattle DUI Lawyer, Nate Webb, is a repeatedly recognized DUI Super Lawyer practicing in courts throughout Washington State.

Always a Free DUI Consultation

Mr. Webb will sit down with you and discuss your DUI arrest, case, rights and concerns. He will customize a plan to help you through this difficult situation.